Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Stacey Malis: My inspiration for the Susan G Komen 3 Day

Stacey has always been a HUGE part of my life. Even in times where we don't talk as often as we should, she's been there for me whenever I've needed her. When my family was about to disown me because I got pregnant out of wedlock (ridiculous) she was the only one to really stand up for me and the only reason I still have a relationship with my family today. When I was a little kid, she always gave the best Christmas presents and took me to theme parks and out to do cool things. I had my own bed at her house and my only memories of potty-training were with her.

Today Stacey has been battling breast cancer for a year and a half.

On Monday she'll have a hysterectomy to prevent the tumors on her skull, ribs, and spine from growing and hopefully kill them without radiation. Since the cancer feeds on estrogen, it only makes sense that if your body isn't producing it, the tumors will die.

Seeing her fight and still be there for me the past several months has been the most unbelievable act of love I've ever seen. She is my inspiration for doing the Susan G Komen 3 day walk this November. I'll walk 60 miles in 3 days and raise $2,300 for the cause. I'm a little nervous as to how I'm going to raise that kind of money but I'm sure I can if I start this early.

I just had to vocalize all this and really get it out there. Thanks for listening.


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