Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Cambria Nursery

We just returned from FOUR beautiful days on California's central coast! Our teacher from our home school charter told us about Cambria Nursery that has some fairy-related stuff in their gift shop. She knows that our youngest is obsessed with all things fairies! She also told us that they have absolutely gorgeous gardens and pathways around the property. She was right! It is the most serene place, and my few pictures won't do it justice. It is REALLY big. Grab yourself a cup of coffee the next time you're in Cambria and head on up the hill on Burton Drive.There are breathtaking scenes as you walk the stone pathways through the lush gardens. I just can't express how wonderful it is. I wish you could SMELL through these pictures! The smells were fabulous!
Here are a few pictures from inside the gift shop.
I love those mirrors on the wall.

I have plans to make some of those little faux birdhouses out of some scraps I have lying around. I also want to be on the lookout for a old METAL wheelbarrow to plant in. You know the shallow old metal kind?

At the back of the path, there is a bridge going over a big stream, it's beautiful!
There is even a tiny little cottage with things planted on the ROOF! I could see through the window that it's where they keep their garden tools.

There were MANY more nooks and sections of the garden that I didn't show...there was a Asian section with a bamboo bench, pagoda porch, and koi pond; and 2-3 more little nooks on the stone path that led to private sections. I could seriously wander here all day! You should totally check it out if you're headed to Cambria!


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