Saturday, March 3, 2012

Taste of Orange Blossom {New York Steak and Prawns}

Last night, we went to our usual haunt, OBJ. We had a DIVINE dinner, and THEN we heard the news... OBJ is closing April 1st. As I type this I am still in shock. My first words to Brandon and the servers (which have all become our friends over the years!), "What the HECK are we gonna eat?" Honestly, I don't know. Literally every restaurant in Visalia, I could take it or leave it. We go to OBJ for everything. I'm turning 30 next month and am planning on spending the entire day with my family, driving around doing 30 acts of kindness. My PLAN was to end the day at OBJ with dinner with the family, and my last act of kindness was going to be a big old wooden sign I was going to make into a "Welcome to the Junction" sign that Luci would have loved. Again, WHAT ARE WE GONNA EAT?! Oh my goodness. Ok, I'll try to get a hold of myself and tell you about last night's fabulous dinner.
We started off with a Bay Shrimp Salad with Red Pepper Dressing. It was SO fabulous! They topped it with a scoop of Habanero Peach Sorbet! Brandon and I had the same exact dinner, and he gets super excited when he hears the word "habanero".
Here is the big daddy! A perfectly cooked New York steak PACKED with flavor! It was topped with three jumbo prawns in a delicious sauce, and served with red potatoes, sauteed greens, veggies, and garlic bread! Seriously, we were in heaven!
The special dessert was a raspberry tart topped with bourbon vanilla ice cream! Oh... this was the bomb! The tartness of the berries with the creaminess of the bourbon vanilla. Mmmm, mmm.

If you STILL haven't tried OBJ, you NEED to go before they close! You have until April 1st to enjoy the best food the valley has ever seen! I want to thank Doug, Luci, George and everyone at OBJ that has been so kind and welcoming to us! I never imagined when I sent that first email to Doug (before I ever met him, I just got the email off the website) asking if I could feature his restaurant on the blog, that it would turn into a weekly feature. I've been SO well fed in compensation. I still remember his response to that first email: "YES! Now we just need 100 more customers like you!" I am so glad I stepped out of my comfort zone and asked... we've become so close with Doug and Luci through all of this time. They never once told me what to write, or how to write it. I'm thankful for Chef George's encouraging comments on my writing style. He told me "it's like you're sitting down talking to someone". My writing style is a bit different, and so are the folks at OBJ. ;)

Don't miss your chance, head on out to OBJ, and tell them the blogger sent you! You'll miss out if you don't! I know we'll be eating all we can before they close!


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