The house has been on hold... too much going on with my day job! Yet, it's still on my mind. I still frequent blogs and check HGTV more often that I should. After talking with Abby (friend and fellow artist for my family's company), I have decided to make the formal living room a den/craft room that can be used for multiple things. I just don't ever see Nate and I using a formal living/dining room except for a few times a year. To us, that seems like a waste. When we decide to purchase our much-needed barstools, we will be able to fit 12 people in our dining room area. That is more than enough. Here is a little inspiration I found on a website for the den/craft room (there is even a pug in the photo!):

I am on the search for some unique french doors, fun table, and a piece of furniture that would allow me to store my craft items (sewing machine and the new Cricut). I would also like a fun and funky bench to go in our entrance. Such as this one that is in the yoga studio that I go to:

Lots to do... once summer hits!
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