Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Mason Jars, Keys and Candles

I love Pinterest.  You can follow me here. I found this jar here.  And I simply had to copy it.

A few quick ingredients and done.
Mason Jar ... Check
Epsom Salts ... Check
Cool Keys  ... Check (I got mine from Pick Your Plum a few months ago)
Twine or Jute ... Check
Votive Candle ... Check.

Assemble, light the candle, and done!

I am so loving these right now.
It also works for Pint jars too.
Just make sure the key fits!

Toddler Jacket Pocket Tutorial

Remember my Corduroy Jacket Post from yesterday?  Well, as I was figuring out how to share about it, I decided to split the project into three days, so it wasn't such a long post.  Today, I am going to show you how I made the pockets.

I cut out the pants pockets and drew a line where I wanted to cut them off.  I also stitched down the far side to make the pocket smaller.

Then I cut strips 1" thick to make a nice border for the pockets.  It was a little tricky finding scraps that were  all on the same grain, because I was literally working with scraps here.  You will see what I mean when I post the remnants of the pants tomorrow.

I ironed down each side 1/4" to finish the edges.

After cutting slits in the fabric where I wanted the pockets, I machine-stitched the pocket in as best I could, and then hand-stitched the pocket liner on the side closest to the pocket so I didn't sew the pocket shut.

Then, I pinned the pocket out of the way and machine-stitched the other side.

After completing the top and bottom liner, I sewed a smaller piece to the sides.  I repeated a similar process to finish the edges.  I was able to machine-stitch this whole piece on.  I made sure to pin the pocket out of the way.

And here is the finished pocket!  Update: Check out the post about the finished jacket here.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quiche Anyone?

I was asked to help make Quiche for a church event recently and thought I'd share a little how to.  It would be a great St. Patrick's Day Breakfast and since you make it the day before, 
it's even better.

Let's make the crust first.

This recipe makes enough crust for 3- 9inch  pie crusts.

Pie Crust
1 1 /4 cup shortening
3 cups flour, sifted before measuring
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
Combine in a mixer and blend until pieces are the size of small peas.

In another bowl combine:
1 egg
5 Tbsp Cold Water
1 Tbsp Cider Vinegar

Pour egg mixture into flour mixture and blend until combined.  Handle as little as possible.
Divide into 3 parts.

 Wrap dough in plastic and put in fridge for about 20-30 minutes.

 Lay out two pieces of plastic wrap, slightly overlapping the side to create a large surface to roll out the dough.  Put dough on plastic.  Make another layer of plastic wrap. Roll out the dough.  This method is great because you don't have to add more flour, and it makes clean up a snap!

 Turn dough into pie pan and flute the edges. No need to prick the bottom or pre-bake the crust.

Now for the filling. This recipe is for one quiche.

Spinach Quiche

Get out 3 oz cream cheese and allow to come to room temperature.

6 oz frozen chopped spinach
Thaw and drain.  Press between paper-towels 3-4 times to get as much water out as possible.

In your mixer:
Beat the cream cheese until smooth.
Gradually beat in:
1/2 cup half & half
4 eggs
1/2 grated cheddar cheese
1/2 c grated swiss cheese
1/4 c grated Parmesan cheese
4-6 green onions, thinly sliced
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper
Add in spinach and mix.

 Pour into pie crust.  Cover edges with foil to prevent browning.

Bake in preheated oven at 425 degrees for about 25 minutes until filling is set.
 Let cool at least 15 minutes before serving.
It's actually better if you let it rest in the fridge overnight.  Take out of fridge about 1 hour before serving to allow Quiche to come to room temperature.

Serve with fruit and enjoy!

So Yummy!

Family Trip

We just returned yesterday from a wonderful, relaxing four days at the coast. Heart's Ease in Cambria has the BEST fairy garden behind the store! We've gone for years and the kids still love it every time.

Emma pretended that her tongue was stuck to the ice cream cone... "A Christmas Story" style.
We always have to take them to the Museum of Natural History. It's cheap enough to go every time, the kids are free and adults are just $3.

There is SO much more that I didn't share, I'm only sharing a few pics. Emma even put on a puppet show for us.
They have binoculars to borrow for the observation deck.
We climbed the steps to the top of the big rock above the museum. I probably should have listened to that voice telling me it wasn't the best idea with my knees being in the state that they are.

We like to go to Avila Beach because it's usually warmer and less windy.
We also made our first trip to the butterfly grove in Pismo.
It is a big grove of Eucalyptus trees with thousands of monarch butterflies. It was hard to take pictures with my phone, because the zoom gets blurry.
They were falling to the ground in pairs, mating.
We also saw the elephant seals, north of Cambria.
We stayed for quite awhile just watching them interact.

We visited the Cambria Nursery twice! We did MUCH more, including eating everything in sight! We visited all of our favorites: La Parisienne, Hofbrau, Bayside, Main St Grill, and more. I think I need to go spend the rest of the day on the stationary bike, haha.

Cambria Nursery

We just returned from FOUR beautiful days on California's central coast! Our teacher from our home school charter told us about Cambria Nursery that has some fairy-related stuff in their gift shop. She knows that our youngest is obsessed with all things fairies! She also told us that they have absolutely gorgeous gardens and pathways around the property. She was right! It is the most serene place, and my few pictures won't do it justice. It is REALLY big. Grab yourself a cup of coffee the next time you're in Cambria and head on up the hill on Burton Drive.There are breathtaking scenes as you walk the stone pathways through the lush gardens. I just can't express how wonderful it is. I wish you could SMELL through these pictures! The smells were fabulous!
Here are a few pictures from inside the gift shop.
I love those mirrors on the wall.

I have plans to make some of those little faux birdhouses out of some scraps I have lying around. I also want to be on the lookout for a old METAL wheelbarrow to plant in. You know the shallow old metal kind?

At the back of the path, there is a bridge going over a big stream, it's beautiful!
There is even a tiny little cottage with things planted on the ROOF! I could see through the window that it's where they keep their garden tools.

There were MANY more nooks and sections of the garden that I didn't show...there was a Asian section with a bamboo bench, pagoda porch, and koi pond; and 2-3 more little nooks on the stone path that led to private sections. I could seriously wander here all day! You should totally check it out if you're headed to Cambria!
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