Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Liquid Soap made from Bar Soap

Getting my daughter to use a "pea-size" amount of soap is a constant challenge.  She just keeps pumping until her little hands can't hold anymore.  Then she washes...if that is what it's called, because at this point the sink in starting to overflow with bubbles and she starts to play.  SIGH!  Needless to say, we go through hand soap (and body soap) like crazy.  It really adds up, cost wise!  I also like to buy the healthier soap, without all of the added chemicals and etc., so it is even more expensive!

When I saw that Robyn over at The Farmer's Nest had made a gallon of liquid soap from one bar of soap, I was sold.  I went out the very next day and bought a bar of soap.  I did it and it didn't work!  AHHH!  What did I do wrong?  I don't know!  But I wasn't discouraged; I tried again with a different kind of soap.  I used the bar soaps from the same line as our favorite liquid soap, Kiss my Face Kids.  When all was said and done, I was surprised that this time it worked!  YEAH!  I can't believe it, actually.  I am more than thrilled!

Here is the recipe and what I did:
Grate 7oz. of Bar Soap (I used this one), add to large pot with 2 tablespoons of Vegetable Glycerine (I used NOW) and 1 Gallon of water.  Warm it up on medium heat and stir until soap is dissolved in water.  Turn off heat and leave pan to cool and rest for 12 hours.  After 12 hours you should stir and pour into storage container and/or soap dispensers.
Note: This time my soap was a little on the thick side, so I added warm water and blended with the hand mixer. 

It turned into a family project!

Also, since the hand soap that my kids are currently using (this one) is a "foaming" one, I did some experimenting to get the perfect ratio of this homemade liquid soap for use with the foaming pump. 
Here it is:
2 Tablespoons liquid soap
1 Cup warm water
STIR to combine (don't shake!).  Add to bottle and there you have it, foaming hand soap at a fraction of the cost.

At least this way I will not have to peek in at the kids and keep repeating, "YOU ONLY NEED A SMALL AMOUNT OF SOAP!!"

Finished and ready to use.  1 gallon and almost a whole quart.
 That is more than a gallon of liquid soap for less than $7!!!  If you use it with the foaming pump, it's 150 8-oz. bottles of foaming soap.  I am doing the happy dance!
Thanks for stopping by today!


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