I've been saving a few cans, and yesterday I finally got around to doing something with them. I think I'll add something to the big one, we'll see. I saw some paper wrapped cans on Pinterest awhile ago, and they were lined up on a table with flowers in them. I decided to use some leftover fabric.This couldn't be easier, remove the can labels, throw the cans in the dishwasher.
Lay your can on the fabric and cut it to match.
I used mod podge, but you could hot glue. I liked my fingertips yesterday so I decided not to burn them off. ;) For once.
I feel silly even posting these pictures, because it's quite obvious how to cover a can!
I use the giant can for all of my various metal pieces, handles, and knobs. The small ones will probably hold flowers or utensils at my vintage-y 30th birthday party next month. ;)
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