Friday, August 31, 2012

Adoption Update!

While the steps are small we have made a few over the past 6 months and are ready to share them with y'all! There were 3 countries we felt drawn to and with much prayer and research we believe our little girl is in India. There are a million reasons why but what it truly comes down to is that it has been carved in our hearts. Unshakably. Selah is there and we are starting the journey to bring her home. 

We have been in contact with with America World Adoption over these months and they have been a great source of information and encouragment. Last week we had a phone conference with them and it was decided that to move as quickly and smoothly as possible it would be ideal for us to have the first of three installments ready to be paid in full. Gulp! We can't begin seeking grants or donations until we are in the "system" so this first installment will take us time to aquire. But our God is faithful and He wouldn't call us to something impossible. We are forging ahead and believing that we will have the first installment sooner than later. 

The boys have been included in many conversations about their little sister and while Jack doesn't fully understand, Will does. He asks daily about her and loves to sing our theme song for this adoption at the top of his lungs. I love his tender heart, he will be such a protector of her. 

That's what we have for now. I will keep doing these posts as we move forward and while we don't know the timeframe for how long this journey will be I am praying you'll see these posts pop up more often than not. Please pray that with us! 

We can't thank everyone enough for the support, prayers and love that is surrounding us as we search for our daughter! Y'all are wonderful!


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