Thursday, December 13, 2012

O' Christmas Tree

This is the year
for making memories,
for starting traditions.

After 6 years of marriage, 2 deployments, 2 babies and countless moves,
we are staying home for the holidays!

Our little family of 4 cuddled up in our tiny little house.

Cozy, right?

Rewind to about a month ago,
over morning coffee,

"Mr. Doozie, I'd love a real tree this year."

With that little request we jumped into a dreamy scene of what our tree hunt would be like.

Hot cocoa, sleigh rides, shushing..... 
I played it up big time for the boys
Bless Mr. Doozie's heart,
he knew he really had to bring it....

So last weekend here's how it went down,
 We made our way out to a cut your own tree farm.
Found the one.
We were certain it was perfect.

In retrospect the one red flag I now see,
the ranch owner (80+years old) drove out to "chat" with Mr. Doozie.
He had that knowing smirk on his face.....
One that comes with years of wisdom.
Something we obviously didn't have.

With a few manly saws Mr. Doozie had that tree down in no time.
The boys were beaming
"That's my dad" he told the ranch owner.
We'll pause here to check out the cuteness level of the boys that day.

 Uber cute

Finding that empty nest tucked in the tree was all Mr. Doozie needed for a sign.


We get our grand tree home
I text my brother and ask for an assist
He and Mr. Doozie are excellent friends (roommates from college)
The laughter between the two over the ridiculousness
is heard around the block.

But they get our beautiful tree in the house
It's grand
It's wonderful
It smells like Christmas....
It's way too tall....

So we bring in an electric saw,
The boys once again are amazed
2 feet off the bottom....

Our first real tree
A glorious thing!

 It made it one entire day before this happened...
Mr. Doozie was headed home from work. 
The mess was already going to be there waiting for him...

I texted my girlfriends,
"What should I do"
"Get under that tree!!!" they replied back


I tucked my shoes just right under the tree
Grabbed my camera
and yelled "help" as he came through the doorway!


Thankfully he found it funny :) 
I love that I'm married to this man!

We cut another few feet off the bottom and reset it
All is jolly
The boys are still amazed
And well,
quite a memory has been made.

The year of our first real tree!


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