Friday, September 2, 2011

Life Lessons

I've learned a lot of valuable life lessons over the past couple of weeks.

Well, maybe they're not really valuable. And sure, most aren't lessons about life. In reality, it's just a list of random things that have somehow managed to stick in my mind these past couple of weeks, while everything of any importance went flying away.

  1. While mincing jalepeƱos, wear super thick safety goggles. The occasional squirt of jalepeƱo juice in the eye really burns. (I need some safety goggles by the way)

  2. A cleaver is probably not the best way to remove meat from lobster claws. Effective, yes. Messy and potentially dangerous, also a yes! (I had 10 fingers at last count, no worries!)

  3. Shrimp should not have heads. (I don't like my food looking at me as I try to eat it.)

  4. I'll spare the gory details, but let me just say I can never eat soft-shell crabs. (Ever.)

  5. When someone asks you to prep for steak sauce before you leave for the day, say no. It involves peeling and slicing 100 pounds of onions, among other things. (The onions didn't make me want to cry, but the painful blister on my knife finger did!)

  6. If while filling up your car, the pump spills gasoline on your hand, leaving you smelling like a gas station, a little garlic and anchovies will get rid of the smell right away! (Of course, then you smell like garlic and anchovies...)

  7. People will stare at you when you raid a dumpster for the super cool pallets inside. Just ignore them. (Pallets - Woohoo!)

I've been neglecting blogging - both posting and reading/commenting. Thankfully I'm getting into the swing of work and homeschool, so I'll be back more regularly. Keep an eye out for an upcoming review of some beautiful and "precious" jewelry soon! (That was a really lame hint!)

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!


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