Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Clearing the Clutter: Does This Count?

Let me start out by saying:

I'm going to be real here.  This has been a difficult few days.

As part of our commitment to becoming debt free, we sold our camper.  ((Insert sad face here.))  Since we didn't owe anything on it, it was nice to be able to instantly reduce our debt by several thousand dollars, but it still hurt to let it go.  Oh well, life goes on.

MoneySavingMom is doing a Clear Out the Clutter Challenge, and since I've been a little lax in my purging for the year, I decided to join in.  I'm including my totals in my Big Give as well. 

Here's my blurry before picture of a neglected area in my den:

Since we don't have a garage, we keep our deep freeze in our den, and this area catches all types of homeless clutter.  I removed 13 items including the upholstery cushions I will be listing on Craigslist tonight.  I also sorted many items from our camper, which were deposited in front of the freezer. 

I keep the blue box all the time, and purpose to fill it with giveaway items once a week.  This round will go to the Goodwill unless I decide to have a garage sale.  And, if I do, maybe I should use that money to take some photography classes.  It's been a rough picture day!

Wave goodbye!


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