So, here's a little sneak peek at what I've been doing since my last post...
I was one of three sponsors for the ropes challenge course activity for some of our juniors and seniors. The humiliation of wearing the harness and helmet is so small compared to the thrill of getting to have this great experience with such a fantastic group of young people!
Yup. I climbed it. A 55 foot verticle wall is nothing for this homeschool mom! I did it!
After conquering the elements on the big blue tower, we took a 100+ foot zipline to the bottom! It was such a blast! Challenge courses make great homeschool field trips!
Note to self: Next time, make someone take pictures of me actually doing some of these things, instead of me always being behind the camera!
Surprisingly, I wasn't very store the next day. So that day, we did some of this:
What have you been up to this week?
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