Yesterday I decided to do something about my hodge podge living room wall. If you look at the picture below, you'll see what it used to be. Forgive the poor picture quality, because of all of the high windows in my house, it's hard to get a good picture during the day.
First, I realized that I had wooden shutters that I could put up next to the window. These used to be the headboard in Cami's room. I have been working on moving the school room, and giving Emma her own room. Long story short, Emma got the queen bed, but didn't want the shutters as her headboard. I'll post about the new rooms when I get them done.
I added these two pieces because it felt like it should be symmetrical after I put up the shutters.
Last week I picked up these two large frames for less than $3 each. Rescued Treasures was having a 50% sale on their frames.
I didn't know what I wanted to put in the center, but I decided on these wooden detail pieces from Lowe's that were about $5 each.
The inside of these frames are 11x14. They didn't come with a backing, so I had to make one.
I cut a thin piece of plywood to fit, and stained one side.I secured them with a staple gun. Since I used this cheap plywood, when I stained it, it resembled old wood paneling (think 70's). I didn't like it, so in the pictures you see, I went back and added burlap, so that you can just see a border of the dark wood.
It has made my living room not look so hodge podge. That wall had looked unplanned, and now it looks like someone actually thought about it.
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