Yesterday I happened to pass a garage sale on my way to the store. I kind of like that people are having Friday yard sales too now, more opportunities to stumble upon goodies in need of love. I've been working on changing our school room into Emma's room for the past month. I'm not done and ready to show it all yet, not by a long shot, but we're getting there! I moved our school room out to what used to be the play room.
She was in need of a nightstand next to her bed, and this piece was only $8 at the yard sale. It was laminate, but I decided to research how to paint laminate and give it a shot. It was only 8 bucks, after all.After some searching on Pinterest last night, I decided to try this tutorial from DIY Kinda Girl. I bought a quart of Zinsser Cover Stain Primer. I chose this one because she said it was designed to stick to any surface without sanding. You can click over and read her instructions, but basically I just did two coats of primer, followed by two coats of white paint that I already had on hand.
I spray painted the knobs because I didn't want to buy new ones.
This is another thing I added to her room-in-progress, a cupboard door hanger. Check out what it used to look like here. I peeled off the old vinyl lettering and added the peace sign, hearts, and pennants to match her room.
She rushed to put a few items on her nightstand herself, so much for mom decorating. Ha ha.
I think this turned out to be another great yard sale find. I should be ready to share her room in another couple of weeks. I still need to buy or build a headboard.
Cost breakdown:
night stand $8
primer $8
paint (already owned)
spray paint (already owned)
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