Saturday, December 1, 2012

Cozy Christmas Skirt

As I mentioned earlier, for the first time I am decorating in white this year.   This means I need new things and I do not have the kind of budget where I can go out and buy all new things.  Honestly, even if I DID have it in my budget, I wouldn't go buy it all.  Aaah, the joys (?) of being a do it yourselfer!  My red tree skirt definitely wasn't going to work.  I spied a vintage, 100% wool blanket at Salvation Army earlier in the week, but Salvation army knows what an all wool blanket is worth. I played the waiting game and was thrilled to find it still there on half price day.  I placed my old tree skirt on top of the blanket for a "pattern". 
I cut circles from the blanket and from an old wool sweater and zig-zag stitched these on. Yes, I was too lazy to change to a cream colored thread, but you don't really notice it. 
And yes, it could use some ironing, but will soon by covered by gifts.  I love how it came out--cozy, yet like a layer of snow under the tree. 
Here is my white tree with the new paper garland I made.  I will leave it this way for a week and then the kids will add the handmade, memory filled ornaments that won't be all in white, but will make me smile nonetheless.

What color scheme are you decorating with this year? Find more ideas at Donna's Funky Junk Interiors.


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