Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Single Day of Snow

 Dora pup pretty much sums up the excitement we all shared about the rare snowfall we had.
The boys were up before 7am begging to play in it.
Mr. Doozie and I were quickly trying to sort through what cold weather gear we had 
and divvy it up between our little clan.
We all knew we couldn't waste a second
the sun was out and it was bound to melt by the day's end.

So while these pictures may not seem over the top, 
for my boys, this was a dream come true. 
I won't lie, I got a bit teary-eyed watching them play in the snow for the first time.
You see, I grew up in a town in the mountains of Arizona 
where the school buses wore snow chains and our 
cul-de-sac boasted a mountain of snow left over from the plows. Right in the middle, taller than the houses, perfect for grand adventures and an injury or two ;) 
Snow was a certainty there and I have so many fond memories of those winters.
I still can't believe that my oldest is almost 6 and this was his first time playing in the snow!
I'm thankful we were able to take full advantage of this one, lone day. 
The boys were quick to get busy,
snowball fights, sled pulls, hauling the "white gold" in trucks and buckets.
Not a single tear was shed over being cold; you know they are having fun when that happens!
 We teamed up with our neighbor's girls to build a snowman, and with their permission I was able to snap a few pictures of their littlest in the world's cutest hat! I mean really?!? Every one year old little girl needs a hat like this! Oh the cuteness!
Jack of course said he needed his picture taken, never one to risk being left out ;) 
And here is our grand snowman errr...I  mean snow gal. The kiddos were pretty proud of it and surprisingly my boys didn't mind the hello kitty hat on top!
They lasted a total 2.5 hours that morning before we had to head home and defrost.
Yay, for a little dusting of snow! 
It made our winter!


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