Friday, December 2, 2011

Christmas Wreath!

I'm going to do my FFF tomorrow!  I was just too excited about my wreath not to shar it tonight!

Earlier this week I saw this awesome Burlap Bubble Wreath from The Table.  LOVED IT!  I knew I was going to use this!

I'm not a big fan of the whole Christmas color scheme (yeah, I'm a scrooge).  I wanted a cute, subtle Christmas wreath.

I pretty much followed Sarah's tutorial, except I used a different method for securing the bottom of the bubbles.

I had these old bamboo things from a Christmas grab bag a few years ago.

I glued my burlap squares to these toothpick-like things - first in half, then in half again.

I did this about 4,568,239 times.  Haha - ok, not really, but it was tedious work!

Here is my pule of burlap bubbles!

The Christmas part of the wreath was done using cheap plastic ornaments I found at Goodwill for $1.

I dug into my scrap bin and wrapped pieces of fabric around the ornaments.  I secured them with hot glue and twine.

Once all the pieces were prepped I started arranging them around the wreath.  I was able to just stab them into the straw with the toothpick things.

I think it's cute - not too Christmasy, but just enough!

I have a question for all you pinterest folks.  I don't have a pinterest account, but I regularly check my source page to see what projects are more popular.  For some reason it won't update.  I know I've gotten a few pins since this weekend, but the last pin it shows is from Saturday.  Anybody else ever have this problem?  It's driving me BONKERS!

Well, this is what I did tonight instead of working on my paper.  I'm the queen of procrastination!

Have a great weekend!

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