Sunday, September 2, 2012

Craft Fails for the Stinky Linky Party

There is a Stinky Linky party going on at Four Marrs One Venus and Nellie Bellie.  I am someone that experiences a lot of craft and project fails. This gave me a reason to share them.

First up is the homemade dishwasher soap! I was so excited about this one too. I spent a good chunk of money buying the ingredients, which also meant 20 packs of lemonade Kool-Aid. But, after I washed my first load I knew it was not going to work. I think the dishes looked worse. Needless to say that was the first and only time I used it. I don't even know what to do with the huge container of soap now. Oh well I gave it a try I guess.

 I am entering a link party later in the month which gives you a challenge by requiring that you use a certain object in your project.  The first challenge involves game pieces. I thought I love Trivial Pursuit! I will use those cute little game pieces to create some playroom art. Well as you can see the measurements are all off! 

Doing a project with a hands on toddler is not smart. Wynn moved pieces when I was feeding the dogs, and now they are glued like concrete to the canvas. I'm half tempted to rip it apart and try something else. Maybe I'll keep it this way and show Wynn later on in life her first "crap" (craft) project as she calls them. And yes I'm blaming my failure on a two year old, but don't worry she has no idea that anything is even wrong with it. She says that it looks perfect.

Craft fail #3 is using a sewing machine. Mygoal of the summer was to make my own own window treatments. My mom brought up her machine and was able to get in a five minute how to lesson before it was time to head to bed.  I thought I knew it all after such an elaborate lesson. But, the next day when the thread came out I had no idea all the places it had to go to fix it it was a failure. Therefore, it has sat in the same place since that lesson took place. The material for the project is just sitting there as well. Maybe when my mom comes up in a few days I'll have her complete the project to avoid another potential craft fail.

Thanks for stopping by! I think you'd enjoy checking out the stinky linky party!



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