Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Toddler Tuesday #4 {Nursery Rhymes}

Isaac loves nursery rhymes that have actions.  One of his favorite books is one that my family got him for Christmas a couple of years ago.  It has a bunch of nursery rhymes with actions.  It includes rhymes such as "Pat-a-Cake," "This Little Piggy," and "Five Little Ducklings."  I like nursery rhymes because it is so simple to do and can be done pretty much anywhere.

I am going to share one of Isaac's favorites with you today.  I won't be surprised if you have heard this before.  I think there are different versions of it, but here is the one I learned:

Three Little Monkeys

Three Little Monkeys
Swinging in a Tree
Teasing Mr. Alligator, 
"Can't Catch Me!"
Here Comes Mr. Alligator,
Sneaky As Can Be...

Two Little Monkeys
Swinging in a Tree, etc.

(As you sing it, hold up # of fingers for the monkeys and swing them, then make an alligator jaw with your hands and clap when the alligator snaps.)

Isaac will randomly start singing this.  It is so much fun!


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