Monday, October 24, 2011

Homemade Kettle Corn

He is ready with a full
Today was a busy day.  Well, aren't they all!?!? 
My Little Dude went to work with Daddy today so that I could accompany my Princess Cupcake on her class field trip to the local pumpkin farm.  It is the most beautiful Fall day today and I was thrilled to be able to go with them!
I over heard someone at the farm telling her friend about the kettle corn that they had there.  That is all it took for me to have a hankering for the stuff for the rest of the day, well, at least until I got home and made some!  It really doesn't take much because I love kettle corn! 

Homemade Kettle Corn in super easy and absolutely fantastic.  You should give it a try!

Can you see that sweet and salty goodness?

Homemade Kettle Corn

2/3 cup Organic, Non-GMO Popcorn Kernels
1/3 cup Organic and/or Non-GMO Oil, such as coconut or olive
1/4 cup Organic Sugar
1 tsp Sea Salt

Add oil to large heavy bottomed pot with lid.  Add a kernel of popcorn, when it pops, the oil is hot and ready to pop the corn quickly.  Add the popcorn, sugar and salt.  Give it a quick stir and put on lid loosely.  With potholders, continue to shake the pan gently over heat to prevent burning.  You will know when it's done, because the popping sounds almost stops.  Pour into a bowl and let cool a minute.  Break up any clumps with a spoon or utensil.  Voila!  Kettle Corn from your own kitchen!

Handmade paper cups for the kids' snack.

I am hoping to do a post about the {finished} wedding favors, all 235 of them, that I am making for my sister's wedding, later this week.  It will be a great job done and a relief to finish them a little early.  Then on to finishing the bride-maid's flip-flops!
Have a great week! 


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