When I first wanted to redo our front living room, I purchased a very used dining set off of Craigslist. It came with a table, 2 chairs, and a bench all for $60. the previous owners had 2 children who left their mark (in multiple ways) all over not to mention that the previous owners also attempted to stain the top of the table without sanding it first. To say the least, the set was not the nicest looking thing I have ever bought on there. I purchased it for the table. I loved the legs on it and I knew a coat of paint would made it just right. I'll post what I have done with it in another posting.
For now, I want to show off what I did with the bench. I was going to put it back on Craigslist, but instead attempted to update it in order to use it in our front room. I love how it turned out!
Before (had to use a stock photo..sorry):
After a little TLC, spray paint, foam padding, fabric, and a staple gun (oh and an adorable pug named Winston):
Link up and share your bench fixes or inspirations here!
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