Hello my party friends!!
Thank you for coming over and partying with me! Each week I get so many wonderful ideas from each of you talented people. I never run out of ideas! If only I could say the same about the hours in a day!
This weekend I spend all my time and energy working outside in the “Operation Storm Clean-Up Rally”. Yes, we all gather together in effort to remove a lot of the derby that was left by the nasty storm that come through my town and left us without power for three days. The weather stayed nice and we were able to accomplish a lot. I even managed to get a really bad case of poison oak all over my face, neck, down both arms, and a small spot on my leg as well as my husband. I am happy to put an end to this week and look forward to a great (scratching. lol) week ahead. I will be traveling with my teenagers for two days to the next town over as they take some of their finial exams this week. Thank you for staying with me. I know I haven’t inspired anyone lately but I promise to have some new energy and some new projects to share (and hopefully to inspire).
I wish each of you a wonderful week and may it be filled with ideas and inspiration that you got from here!
What a breath of fresh air this DIY Spring Wreath and Mantel is by The Sweet Survival.
Totally love this Distressed Table shared by Girl In Air
This Keep Calm and Eat A Brownie Sign made my husband and I smile and giggle. (okay maybe I was the only one giggling). Thank you for sharing Rita of May Days.
Thank you to Cindy at Dwellings, I enjoyed my tour of the Historic King’s Daughters Inn.
Mexican Dorito Casserole by Jam Hands. Okay, so I just may have to try this recipe because an open bag of Doritos have about a .1 second shelf life in my home!
This French Farm Kitchen is AMAZING!! Doesn’t it look like it belongs in a magazine? Job well done, Shabby French Cottage.
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