Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Foyer Shelf In Progress

Okay, I know I’m dragging this project out and trust me I am the first person that is dying to see it completed.  I thought I would share to date where we are with this shelf.

Foyer Shelf in Progress_picnik

It’s up, it has sheet rock on it, and it is mudded and sanded!  It needs a coat of primer and possibly more joint compound after a finial inspection. 

Oh, do see that small speck circled in pink,  that is my genus father’s idea….. an outlet!!!  Yes, I now have 5 outlets in this small foyer.  Won’t this be great for decorating at Christmas time?  I think I would have eventually thought of the outlet myself but it would have been at a much much later date. It was so easy to install too.   moving light switch

And because of the added recess lights and the outlet, I decided that I wanted them on a separate switch.  We already had two switches for the over-head light and the outdoor lights.  So I looked at the Hubs and said, “Just add another switch” {like it was no big deal}.  Well, it wouldn’t have been if there hadn’t be a stud to the right of the switchbox and I didn’t want the new switch to be added to the left because I plan on removing that door casing and adding a much beefier moulding.  That left no choice but to run all the wires through a hole in the stud and rewired on the right side.  No big deal….. just another hole to patch!  ick.

So what am I waiting on…….


This ceiling, which is the reason for the whole repainting process to start with.  You can see the water spot by the return vent.  There needs some patch work on the ceiling and I am not very good when working over my head so I recruited my Hubby.  However, with him having a bad case of poison oak all over his body too, I am patiently waiting. 

Then I will dust down all the walls and shelf, apply primer, and then I will get to paint with my new Sherwin Williams colors!!

It’s coming along, just not as fast as I would like. 

ps.  I made all the photos black and white because I did a patch test color of the color that we choose next to the door and I want my finial color choice to be a surprise!



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