Monday, May 2, 2011

I Swear I'm Not A Tomboy...

...But why am I dressing like one?

During high school, clothes weren't important to me. My morning routine pretty much consisted of pulling on jeans, a shirt, and flip flops. College was much of the same. The majority of the time we were all wearing chef's whites. When class finally got out at 9 pm, my wardrobe wasn't my main concern. So my uniform of jeans, shirts, and flip flops continued. But somehow, here I am at 25, still wearing the same clothes!

It's not that I don't care about how I look. I even border on shallow occasionally. I refuse to go anywhere unless I've washed and dried my hair. You will pretty much never see me without make-up. Church? Full face of makeup. Working in a hot kitchen? Full face of makeup. Playing in the front yard with my son? Full face of makeup. The morning I woke up in labor with my son my second thought (after "Oh wow! This hurts!") was "I wonder if I have time to wash my hair and put on makeup?" You get the picture. But apparently my concern with appearance is only from the neck up.

My clothes in and of themselves are not bad. I'll admit that flip flops are not fashionable at all. They're just as close to being barefoot as possible! My jeans though always fit correctly and I hope are flattering. Shirts can be great too. I think it's just the lack of variety in my wardrobe that's starting to depress me. Nothing says "feminine" to me. I even wear pants every week to church.

I don't know what it is that scares me about dresses and skirts. Part of me thinks that after years of wearing only jeans and pants, the second I wear a skirt no one will accept it. I can just hear them asking why I'm so dressed up. I know that shouldn't bother me, but it does. I've placed myself in this mold and now I'm scared to leave it.

But I'm going to try. I want to feel feminine, feel pretty, feel girly! My current style (or lack thereof) isn't helping.

I've been admiring other people's wardrobes for awhile now. It all started with Zooey Deschanel.
Seriously - she's adorable. I want everything she wears.

Then I discovered ModCloth and fell in love with the clothes they offered. I can't afford any of it, but that's a minor detail. From there I started perusing style blogs from Ty's to Tania's to Jessica's. And I would love to steal borrow Kendi's entire closet. But I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be cool with a complete stranger taking her whole wardrobe. Maybe I'll just hang out at her back door, hoping she'll toss clothes my way. A girl can dream.

I went thrifting the other day and bought a few skirts. I have no idea how to style any of them (flip flops and a shirt, right??) but I'm going to give it my best shot. I even bought a dress with the intention of wearing it on Easter. But my bike pedal decided to attack my shin the day before and a pretty dress with a leg wrapped up like a mummy just didn't look right. Any comments or tips on how you wear skirts would be greatly appreciated. Maybe I'll even be super brave and take pictures of my attempts.


Have a great Monday!


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