Yeah, neither did I. But frankly, I'll use any excuse to celebrate by making cupcakes. Plus my mom's husband has a pet tortoise. Her name is Shelly. He's big on puns. So having a turtle in the household is a valid reason to celebrate, right?
My son was really into it. He put on a old pair of turtle pajamas and decorated with turtle drawings and every stuffed turtle he owns. He wanted to make something for dinner by himself, so I helped him dye canned pears green and he made them look like turtles.
He was so proud of what he "cooked."
But I was really just in it for the cupcakes.
Chocolate, caramel, and pecans? Yes, please!
Tiny turtle decorations for the cupcakes.
I'm far too impatient to make tiny things like that. I had a little fan and light rigged up to dry them out more quickly. Even then, I refused to wait long enough and tried to remove them from the wax paper too early. There were a few casualties. But at least they were yummy!
My first thought for a Turtle Day entree was real turtle soup. But that just seemed so wrong. I couldn't exactly cook turtles on a day meant to protect and celebrate them. So I made a pizza in the shape of a turtle.
I almost couldn't slice through him. Almost.
Now I just have to wait for another holiday to celebrate. Thankfully tomorrow is Hug Your Cat Day. And Wednesday is Towel Day. I'm really starting to wonder who comes up with these so-called holidays. But as long as I can make a cupcake to observe it, I'm in!
Happy early Hug Your Cat Day!
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