So this foyer project {of mine} had been dragging on forEVER! But on Monday, the painter that I met with a while back left word with me that he could come out this week. I didn’t hesitate to reply back with a BIG “Hell Yes”!
Which meant that I had to drop everything I was doing (including the other 4 projects I am working on) to get everything ready to paint. So a quick trip to the hardware store where you would find me laying out pieces of moulding out on the floor! Seriously, for all of those who think I’m so prepared and together. Ha ha. I laugh. Laugh at the even the thought of it these days. My mind is running wildly all over the place. Bouncing from project to project.
Anyways, sticking to my story, I went flying to the store with my over-all dimensions and began playing around with moulding right in the middle of the Lowe’s isle! Now that folks is how ya Get‘r done!!!
With the help of some teenagers, holding tape measures and boards and even popping off a few nails from the cordless nail gun, I beefed up the moulding around my front door and looks pretty darn good too!
Ya want to see???
{Boring Before}
{Wowzer After}
It’s only primed yet I think it really makes a statement. Plus, it helps blend into the shelf above. The cost was around $100. but so worth it! The moulding on the side are fluted and really added to the cost. I wish my Dad was in town because he could have made the moulding and saved me about $40.
The painters are here right now and it’s killing me not be in the room!
I’ll post the finished photos in a couple of days.
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